Revised Font Stack

February 5, 2010

A Way Back just posted a really great article on font stacks this morning and it’s worth your time to read. I talk about font stacks a bit in the book, and this article gives some good advice on some new combinations of fonts. As you know from the book, constructing a good font stack […]

Improve Your Typography

January 6, 2010

Typography is so important when it comes to communicating written work. Choosing the wrong typeface or not paying attention to column width or line spacing can really put a strain on your readers’ eyes, and they won’t stick around too long to find out what you have to say. In the book, I spend a […]

@font-face Generator

December 2, 2009

More and more browsers are able to handle embedded fonts, but getting the right formats for each browser can be tricky. For example, Internet Explorer requires a proprietary format called EOT, or “Embedded OpenType”, but getting fonts in that format isn’t easy and Microsoft’s tools don’t seem to work all that well for some people. […]