March 14, 2011
There’s an excellent article over at the Van SEO Design blog that talks about what you, as a designer, need to know aobut perception and memory. It does an excellent job of explaining how we find things, how we search, and more importantly how we sometimes ignore things that are right in front of us. […]
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Communication, Theory by Brian Hogan
July 20, 2010
One of the first things I assert in the book is that design is so much more than how your site looks. If you’ve been doing programming for even a few months, you’ll understand that design is about both form and function. You design things to solve problems. If a site looks good but has […]
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Communication by Brian Hogan
January 6, 2010
Typography is so important when it comes to communicating written work. Choosing the wrong typeface or not paying attention to column width or line spacing can really put a strain on your readers’ eyes, and they won’t stick around too long to find out what you have to say. In the book, I spend a […]
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Communication, Typography by Brian Hogan
December 14, 2009
Favicons, or “Favorite icons” are icons associated with your site. The icon appears next to the address bar on most browsers, and is often used as the icn for the bookmark or tab associated with the site. There are many different ways to create favicons. In the book, you saw how you can use Illustrator […]
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Communication, Icons by Brian Hogan
October 11, 2009
When you look at something made by people, it’s easy to take for granted all of the steps it took to create it. Look at the monitor you’re reading this on. Think about how many assembly-line workers it took to put it together. Now think about the people who did the CAD designs. Then think […]
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Communication by Brian Hogan
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