Improve Your Typography

January 6, 2010

Typography is so important when it comes to communicating written work. Choosing the wrong typeface or not paying attention to column width or line spacing can really put a strain on your readers’ eyes, and they won’t stick around too long to find out what you have to say. In the book, I spend a chapter talking about how to make your text readable, and as a follow-up, I want to share an article I found today that offers some additional advice.

Specifically, I love this idea:

The fibonnaci sequence

the first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1 and each other number is a combination of the previous 2. These numbers are meant to have a natural visual elegance to each other. Since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the ‘golden ratio’. Therefore in typography it is a good suggestion to consider using only these numbers to structure your chosen point sizes to. It will give your whole document a natural elegance.

2 Responses to “Improve Your Typography”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Design Democracy and #typography (less), #typography. #typography said: Web Design for Developers » Improve Your Typography #typography […]

  2. Looks like a good article, however I absolutely don’t agree with his comment of body text should be 8 to 10 pt only for websites. That is way too small a small font size for the web.

    Just my opinion though.

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