Book Review – Dr. Dobbs

January 14, 2010

Mike Riley reviewed the book over at Dr. Dobbs Code Talk. He had some very nice things to say, too. I am unabashedly more comfortable with grokking loop, iterator and ORM than I am with terms like color fluting, page folds and RYB. However, it was with these and many other graphic arts terms that […]

Why I chose HTML4 over XHTML Strict

January 6, 2010

One thing that may surprise readers of the book is my choice to use HTML4 Strict for the markup in the book. That may seem strange given that the last decade has been devoted towards pushing “web standards with XHTML.” After all, experts like Jeffrey Zeldman can’t be wrong, can they? Of course not. At […]

Improve Your Typography

January 6, 2010

Typography is so important when it comes to communicating written work. Choosing the wrong typeface or not paying attention to column width or line spacing can really put a strain on your readers’ eyes, and they won’t stick around too long to find out what you have to say. In the book, I spend a […]